We are a well-established Specialist Fire Safety Services and Facility Support company based in the South of England. We offer assistance to building owners and managers to help reduce their risk by providing specialist fire safety services.
Our services will help you meet your compliance obligations and will be delivered to the latest UK standards.
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 states as an employer, you are responsible for training your staff in fire safety. You must provide employees with all the relevant fire safety information. In addition to staff training, you must ensure that you keep written records as proof of training and compliance.
The order applies to almost all buildings, places and structures other than individual private homes.
A person should be designated with the responsibility for ventilation fire safety, ventilation compliance, ventilation hygiene and ductwork cleaning in a building, this applies to a person who is in control of a premises, this could be a building owner, landlord, occupier or anyone else with management duties over the premises.
Legally if you are an employer, you are responsible and have a duty of care for the health, safety and wellbeing of everyone who might lawfully be on the premises. ECE Group offer tailor-made services across London, Surrey and the South-East of England covering all aspects of Specialist Fire Safety Services and Facility Support.
Fire & Smoke Dampers regardless of type, specification or operation method these must be tested annually as a minimum or more frequently in specific conditions (such as areas with high pollutants or dust) by a competent person according to Standard BS 9999:2017.
Standard BS 9999:2017 provides recommendations and guidance on the provision of measures to control or mitigate the effects of fire, including business continuity and the environment. The primary objective of the standard is to ensure that a reasonable standard of life safety can be achieved in the event of fire in the building. We adhere to the VH001 (3rd Version) objective as a BESA member taking in specific considerations when testing and maintaining fire and smoke dampers.
ECE Group offer tailor-made services across London, Surrey and the South-East of England covering all aspects of Specialist Fire Safety Services and Facility Support.
Do you know what a Fire Damper looks like and how they work to protect you? (see image)
Kitchen Grease Extract, Laundry Extract and Ventilation Ductwork Cleaning, Inspections and Testing, all maintenance should be carried out to TR19* standard. TR19* is a set of best practice guidelines created by BESA (Building Engineering Services Association), to standardise extract and duct cleaning and to help reduce the growing number of commercial kitchen fires.
This standard also helps meet the requirements of insurance companies.
ECE Group offer tailor-made services across London, Surrey and the South-East of England covering all aspects of Specialist Fire Safety Services and Facility Support.
Grease extract ductwork often stretches through the entire length of a building to reach a roof-level exhaust, so uncleaned ductwork can put not only the kitchen occupants at risk from fire, but also the whole premises.
Duct Clean (Before & After images below)
FPA (Fire Protection Association) RC44 is the recommendations for fire risk assessment of catering extract ventilation units, this document covers:
- Fire risk assessment
- Extract ductwork
- Routing of ductwork
- Grease filters
- Appropriate suppression system installed.
- Duct accessibility
- Duct cleanliness
- Competency of contractor
ECE Group offer tailor-made services across London, Surrey and the South-East of England covering all aspects of Specialist Fire Safety Services and Facility Support.
We offer specialist cleaning services including grease extract ventilation cleaning, laundry extract ventilation cleaning and ductwork cleaning.
We also offer fire safety solutions including fire compartmentation, fire stopping and fire and smoke dampers testing and inspecting.
Contact us today on:
Tel: 020 3757 7150
Email: info@ecegroup.co.uk