Our Services
Specialist cleaning, maintenance & facility support across the UK.
Ductwork Cleaning to Supply/Extract Ventilation Systems
Ductwork cleaning is essential to make sure that the environment for building occupants is clean, safe, and healthy.
Fire compartmentation
Fire compartmentation serves as a barrier that restricts the spread of both fire and smoke within a building.
Laundry Extract Ventilation Cleaning
A laundry extraction system is specifically designed to eliminate the moisture and particles generated during the drying process, aiming to create...
Grease Extract Ventilation Cleaning
Cleaning of the kitchen extract ductwork is a crucial procedure because kitchen extract systems pose a higher risk in terms of fire, odours, and hygiene…
Fire Damber and Smoke Damper Testing & Inspection
Fire and smoke dampers are found in your ductwork ventilation system, within the building fabric where the ductwork breaches the fire compartment.
Fire Stopping
Fire stopping is of the utmost importance in preserving your building’s fire compartmentation as part of your buildings passive fire protection system.